Lake Logan Episcopal Center, Canton, NC
Diane Burleson- 704-332-0578
Full registration for Thursday Nov. 17 through Sunday Nov. 20 is $375 double occupancy**. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included beginning Thursday night dinner and ending Sunday lunch. Daily com-muter is $50 per day and includes only lunch.
All attendees will have table (5’ x 36”), chair, lamp and extension cords provided. Irons and boards will be stationed in the sewing room. If you want an extra table for your space, please add $8 per day.
You will need to bring your rotary mat if desired.
Due Friday August 26 - non-refundable deposit of $50.
Due Friday October 28 - remainder of $325 due (plus any extras).
Please make checks payable to Charlotte ASG.
Mail check and registration form to Diane Burleson,
2123 The Plaza, Charlotte NC 28205.
This year’s retreat will be held in a NEW location, Lake Logan Episcopal Center in Canton, NC, Nov 17-20! Remember, if we like what is offered we will grow and start planning for bigger and better things next year.
For any questions contact Diane by email or phone 704-332-0578.
Look forward to seeing you there.